Library Advisory Committee
Northwest Regional Library System/Bay County Public Library Advisory Committee
The Library Advisory Committee is a seven member board whose members advise Bay, Gulf, and Liberty County Commissioners on library related issues.
The LAC meets on the second Thursday of the month in January, March, May, July, September and November. Meetings are held at the Bay County Public Library in the public
meeting room, beginning at 1:00 PM Central. All meetings are open to the public.
Mary Gibson, (Gulf County)
Paige Hill, Vice Chair (Bay County, District 5)
Shirley Kilpatrick (Bay County, District 4)
John Langston, Chair (Bay County, District 2)
Gene Pline (Bay County, District 3)
Irvin Weidner (Liberty County)
Gerry Wilson (Bay County, District 1)
Liberty County Library Advisory Board
Daisy Heidenriech, Chair
Scott Phillips, Liberty County Commissioner
Mildred Westman
Susan Farnsworth
Irvin Weidner, Representative to Regional Advisory Committee